Care Disparities

VA OIG: Inefficiencies Abound in Digital Divide Consults ProcessĀ 

by Mark Melchionna

Although it provided valuable information and new perspectives, the Veterans Health Administration’s (VHA) digital divide consults and devices process "could have made better use of about $14.5...

HHS, DOJ Issue Guidance to Eliminate Telehealth Discrimination

by Mark Melchionna

In honor of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) anniversary, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) worked with the US Department of Justice (DOJ) to publish new guidance that seeks...

More Evidence That Racial Inequities Exist in Pulse Oximeter Use

by Mark Melchionna

A study published in The BMJ shows that differences in the results from arterial blood gas readings and pulse oximetry led to racial inequities in care, preventing Black people from obtaining necessary...

Racial Disparities Exist in Pulse Oximeter Readings

by Mark Melchionna

A JAMA Network study found racial disparities exist when delivering supplemental oxygen, mainly because of poor pulse oximeter performance among Asian, Black, and Hispanic users. During the process of...

Disparities Exist in Telehealth Access Among Thoracic Cancer Patients

by Mark Melchionna

A study published in JAMA Network Open found that during the rapid increase in telehealth use during the COVID-19 pandemic, many thoracic cancer patients experienced disparities in telehealth access,...

State Medical Board Group Offers Guidelines for Appropriate Telehealth Use

by Mark Melchionna

To set guidelines for optimal telehealth use, the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) provided updated guidelines for how providers can maintain appropriate telehealth use, including recognizing...

Organizations Collaborate to Eliminate Virtual Healthcare Disparities

by Mark Melchionna

To eliminate virtual healthcare disparities and increase accessibility, various organizations such as the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Howard University College of Medicine, and the...

NCQA Report: 3 Strategies to Close Telehealth Access Gaps

by Mark Melchionna

Prioritizing individual preferences and patient needs, breaking down regulatory barriers, and leveraging technology in an equitable manner can go a long way toward addressing the growing disparities in...

Disparities Common in Telehealth Use Among Pediatric CHIP Patients

by Mark Melchionna

While reviewing pediatric virtual care activity during the COVID-19 pandemic, data from Alabama’s standalone Children’s Health Insurance Program, ALL Kids, researchers found that telehealth...

Black, Hispanic Patients Less Likely to Use Telehealth, New Study Shows

by Mark Melchionna

As individuals continue to use virtual care in high numbers during the COVID-19 pandemic, research conducted by the University of Houston (UH) College of Medicine and published in the Journal of...

Interpreters, Privacy Bolster Virtual Care for Non-English Speakers

by Victoria Bailey

Clinicians at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) helped address virtual care disparities for patients with limited English proficiency by increasing access to telehealth platforms, ensuring privacy...

Telehealth Boosted Access to Follow-Up Visits for Black Patients

by Victoria Bailey

In the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, Black patients saw a higher increase in post-discharge follow-up appointments compared to white patients, which coincided with the boom of telehealth...

Audio-Only Remote Patient Monitoring Boosts Access for Black Patients

by Victoria Bailey

Remote patient monitoring programs that offer telephone-based, audio-only monitoring in addition to application-based programs may help reduce barriers to care, particularly for Black and low-income...

Telehealth Ensured Access to Perinatal Mental Healthcare, But Care Gaps Remain

by Victoria Bailey

The transition to using telehealth for perinatal mental health services for mothers and infants helped improve access to care during the pandemic and led to similar outcomes as in-person services, a...

Older, Rural Medicare Beneficiaries Used Telehealth Less During Pandemic

by Victoria Bailey

Medicare beneficiaries in accountable care organizations (ACOs) were less likely to use telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic if they were older or lived in rural areas, a study published in the...

Outcomes for Virtual Prenatal, Postpartum Care Similar to In-Person Visits

by Victoria Bailey

Rapid telehealth implementation for prenatal and postpartum care services during the COVID-19 pandemic was proven to be feasible for underserved populations at a clinic in Massachusetts, according to a...

Telehealth Use for Kidney Disease Management Yields Low Satisfaction

by Victoria Bailey

Patients and clinicians found telehealth use convenient for chronic kidney disease management, but overall, the virtual modality yielded low satisfaction levels for clinical effectiveness, ease of use,...

Tech Access, Digital Literacy Barriers to Virtual Care for Opioid Use Disorder

by Victoria Bailey

Using telehealth for opioid use disorder treatment may increase access to care for individuals but it may be limited to patients with high digital literacy and those who are deemed stable by their...

Cancer Patients with Low Socioeconomic Status Used Telehealth Less

by Victoria Bailey

Newly diagnosed cancer patients with high socioeconomic status were more likely to have a telehealth visit in the 30 days following their diagnosis compared to patients with low socioeconomic status,...

Sociodemographic Factors Impacted Success of Telehealth Video Visits

by Victoria Bailey

Patient sociodemographic factors largely influenced whether a telehealth video visit was successful or not, with racial minority status and older age being associated with unsuccessful visits, a JAMA...

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