
Massachusetts Expands Telehealth Coverage for COVID-19

by Kyle Murphy, PhD

As part of the recent declaration of a COVID-19 state of emergency, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is mandating that all payers cover medically necessary telehealth testing and treatment for the...

AI-Powered Smartphone App Offers Coronavirus Risk Assessment

by Samantha McGrail

A smartphone app coupled with artificial intelligence and machine intelligence will increase access to at-home COVID-19 risk assessments, which will help provide health officials with real-time...

Challenges of New Medicare Telehealth Rules Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

by Samantha McGrail

New legislation signed last week to waive Medicare telehealth restrictions may present practical and operational challenges for seniors and medical practitioners alike, according to a recent blog post...

Industry Leans on Telehealth to Tackle COVID-19 Outbreak

by Samantha McGrail

Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) recently announced that its network of 36 independently owned BCBS companies will increase access to prescription drugs, enhanced telehealth, and other...

New mHealth Wearable Sensor Boosts Flexibility, Durability

by Samantha McGrail

Engineers at the University of Waterloo recently developed a durable, flexible sensor for mHealth wearable devices to monitor everything from vital signs to athletic performance.  Researchers...

Coronavirus Scare Gives Telehealth an Opening to Redefine Healthcare

by Eric Wicklund

As Congress votes on a funding package that includes Medicare waivers for some telehealth services and the Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) cancels its conference in Florida,...

Breaking: Telehealth Coverage Included in Coronavirus Spending Bill

by Eric Wicklund

Congressional leaders have agreed to a coronavirus response bill that will allow Medicare reimbursement for care providers using telehealth to treat seniors at home. The emergency spending deal,...

As Epidemic Fears Mount, CMS Asked to Loosen Reins on Telehealth

by Eric Wicklund

Telehealth and mHealth have potential to help health systems tackle a potential COVID-19 epidemic in much the same way that the technology was used to handle SARS and Ebola outbreaks. And for that...

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