Emergency Medicine

Avera to Use Telehealth to Connect Police, Mental Health Professionals

by Eric Wicklund

Avera Health is launching a telehealth platform to give South Dakota law enforcement and court officers on-demand access to telemental health professionals. The Sioux Falls-based health system is...

New COVID-19 Stroke Guidelines Stress Support for Telehealth, mHealth

by Eric Wicklund

A team of stroke experts has published new guidelines calling for the increased use of telemedicine during triage and transport to improve patient care and outcomes. Writing in the American Heart...

CMS Gives Doctors More Telehealth Flexibility, Postpones ET3 Launch

by Eric Wicklund

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is suspending more regulations tied to telehealth during the Coromavirus pandemic, giving healthcare providers more freedom to use connected health...

LA Fire Dept. Uses Telehealth to Triage and Treat 911 Callers

by Eric Wicklund

The Los Angeles Fire Department is launching a telehealth program to separate non-emergency calls from emergency calls fielded by fire and rescue department on the 911 system. (For more coronavirus...

As Epidemic Fears Mount, CMS Asked to Loosen Reins on Telehealth

by Eric Wicklund

Telehealth and mHealth have potential to help health systems tackle a potential COVID-19 epidemic in much the same way that the technology was used to handle SARS and Ebola outbreaks. And for that...

CMS Launches New Medicare Payment Model for 911 Triage by Telehealth

by Eric Wicklund

More than 200 healthcare providers have been selected to participate in a new payment model from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services that uses mHealth and telehealth to improve care for...

Feds Target Telehealth for Emergency Services in New Grant Program

by Eric Wicklund

Federal officials are offering grants to rural healthcare providers looking to use telehealth to improve emergency services, such as stroke, behavioral health or EMS care. The Department of Health and...

Oklahoma Eyes Telehealth to Help Police During Mental Health Crises

by Eric Wicklund

Oklahoma lawmakers are considering a bill that would allow police officers to use telehealth to help assess someone having a mental health crisis, rather than immediately taking that person into...

Intermountain Touts the Successes of its NICU Telehealth Program

by Eric Wicklund

An effective telemedicine platform will not only improve outcomes and reduce wasteful spending, but give smaller, rural hospitals the expertise to treat more of their patients and reduce stressful...

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