
Federal Judge Clears Way for Telemedicine Abortions During Pandemic

by Eric Wicklund

A federal judge has given healthcare providers leeway to conduct telemedicine abortions during the coronavirus pandemic, ruling that an in-person consult won’t be needed prior to a telehealth...

DEA Okays Telehealth to Prescribe Opioids Amid COVID-19 Emergency

by Sara Heath

Telemedicine has found yet another key purpose during the coronavirus public health emergency: the prescribing of controlled substances, such as opioids. Per new clarification from the US Department...

Warner Tells DEA to Launch Registration for Telehealth Prescriptions

by Eric Wicklund

Congress is calling out the US Drug Enforcement Agency for failing to launch a promised – and mandated - program that would allow healthcare providers to use telehealth to prescribe controlled...

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