Telehealth Connectivity

Medical Assistants Need More Technical Education for Telehealth Use

June 5, 2023 - A report from the University of Washington Center for Health and Workforce Studies showed that although there was limited information about how medical assistants (MAs) use telehealth, researchers found that these personnel transitioned to virtual care well but required further education and training. As telehealth use and application skyrocketed...

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Online Module Aims to Educate Stakeholders on Telehealth Implementation

by Mark Melchionna

The Telehealth Service Implementation Model (TSIM), which originated from the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), will begin a new online training course to assist telehealth leaders in...

Lawmakers Ask Congress to Create a Rural Telehealth Access Task Force

by Eric Wicklund

Lawmakers are making another push to improve telehealth access in rural America. US Reps. Greg Pence (R-IN) and Angie Craig (D-MN) have introduced the Rural Telehealth Access Task Force Act (HR 5506),...

How Can the Internet of Things Integrate With Telehealth, Remote Patient Monitoring?

by Eric Wicklund

The federal government is seeking comments on issues related to spectrum for the Internet of Things, including broadband connectivity needed for remote patient monitoring and telehealth programs and...

Limited Broadband Poses a Significant Barrier to Telehealth Access

by Victoria Bailey

The pandemic has highlighted the benefits of telehealth, but individuals still face significant barriers to access, including a lack of broadband connectivity and access to the right technology,...

Texas Governor OKs Telehealth, RPM Services, Broadband Expansion

by Eric Wicklund

Texas is expanding Medicaid coverage for telehealth and remote patient monitoring services and expanding broadband connectivity to rural parts of the state to, among other things, help providers expand...

New Bill Targets Broadband Funding to Fuel Telehealth Expansion

by Eric Wicklund

Lawmakers in Washington DC are continuing to push for more federal funding for broadband expansion, which in turn would greatly expand telehealth adoption. The Broadband Reform and Investment to Drive...

Senators Seek Extra Federal Funding for Telehealth Services in Frontier States

by Eric Wicklund

A group of senators is pushing new legislation that would increase federal funding for telehealth programs in rural states. The Rural and Telehealth Expansion Act, sponsored by Senators Shelley Moore...

FCC Launches Connected Care Pilot Program, Announces 36 Award Recipients

by Eric Wicklund

Some 36 telehealth programs across the country will get federal funding through the Federal Communications Commission’s Connected Care Pilot Program. The FCC approved new guidelines for the $100...

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