Patient Satisfaction

Research Grants to Study Telehealth Use in Rheumatic Disease Treatment

by Victoria Bailey

The Rheumatology Research Foundation has awarded grants to two studies that will assess the effectiveness of telehealth in rheumatic disease treatment and what its future looks like in a post-pandemic...

Audio-Only Telehealth Has its Fans (Patients) and its Critics (Providers)

by Victoria Bailey

Patient satisfaction was significantly higher than provider satisfaction after using audio-only telehealth during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a survey conducted in South Korea. While...

Virtual Care Visits Improve Patient Satisfaction, Engagement Levels

by Victoria Bailey

Patient satisfaction levels can help payers and providers view telehealth as a reliable option for healthcare delivery. And in a recent Cleveland Clinic study, researchers found that patients are just...

Telerehabilitation Boosts Patient Satisfaction for Young Patients

by Hannah Nelson

Telerehabilitation use during COVID-19 was most popular among young, city-dwelling individuals, and yielded high patient satisfaction, according to a new Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes (FOTO) study...

COVID-19 Telehealth Delivery Reaps High Patient Satisfaction

by Hannah Nelson

Almost 80 percent of people who used telehealth during COVID-19 reported patient satisfaction, and over 70 percent expect to access virtual care post-pandemic, according to a new survey from the...

mHealth Robotics Can Improve Patient Satisfaction, Aid ED Triage

by Hannah Nelson

Emergency department triage interviews conducted by mHealth robotic systems lead to high levels of patient satisfaction, according to a new telehealth study published in JAMA Network Open. The...

Emergency Department Telemedicine Aids Patient Satisfaction

by Hannah Nelson

Adoption of telemedicine in emergency departments leads to better quality of care and patient satisfaction, according to a new study published in the INFORMS Journal Information Systems Research....

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